Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Small Business Surtax - WSJ.com

Why should anyone be surprised the Democrats are going to substantially raise taxes - especially on the small business owner.  It's what they do.


The Small Business Surtax - WSJ.com

The Obama Democrats pick income redistribution over job creation and economic growth.

Jason Furman owes an apology to Michael Boskin, the Stanford economist who wrote a year ago on these pages that Barack Obama would raise American income tax rates nearly to 60%. Mr. Furman, then in the Obama campaign and now at the White House, claimed this was wrong and that Democrats would merely raise taxes back to their Clinton-era level.

House Democrats are now proving that Mr. Boskin had it right, and before it's over even he may have underestimated how high taxes will go. In the middle of a recession and with rising unemployment, Democrats have been letting it leak that they want to raise U.S. tax rates higher than they've been in nearly 30 years in order to finance government health care.

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